May 2023

Devotion is significant to obtaining the right relationship with God. It is an evocation to the heavenly hierarchy to operate in a spiritual service. Devotion is meekness, which is the means to yield to the will of God. Meekness as form of devotion requires you to be open to being a vessel of God’s light, love, and power. Devotion expresses a realization of God as the creator and Father of all souls. Devotion brings you closer to God and magnifies the divine presence in the circumstances of your life. Devotion is being attentive to the divine presence in which you move and have your being. Through attentive devotion one discerns the operation of the invisible principles of the spirit in all that is manifested. Devotion is when one is aligned in every manner with the hierarchy of heaven. A devotee is one who is engaged and encompassed in the spiritual realms, though present in the material world. A devotee is one whose mind is steadfast on God. Devotion to truth increases one's understanding and expands one knowledge of the presence and perfecting power of wisdom and love. Being a true devotee will enable and empower you to be in the holy presence of the Shekinah. True devotion is vital to every sacred service. Devotion is the means to be in constant prayer throughout the day. Praying without ceasing is a life wherein every act is an expression of divinity. Divine devotion is an act to connect heavenly wisdom, love and power with the beings of the earthly, and thereby exemplify states of divinity. Being a devotee is a spiritual state of being. One can attain many ordinations, and degrees of spiritual unfoldment. However one will always be a devotee of God - loving God with all thy mind, with all thy strength, with all thy heart and with all thy soul. Devote a special time that shall be solely for your soul. Let your private devotion be an invitation to God for the spirit of divinity to dwell and for the hierarchy of heaven to be present and aid you in all the circumstances of living. Read the 112th Psalm and burn blue candles.

Satonya Baker

i am creator, therefore i create.

June 2023


April 2023