April 2023

Being humble to mankind's traditions is not the same as being willingly obedient to God’s Divine will. Pleasing man is not necessarily pleasing to God. Man wants us to submit to various cultural traditions that may not be God’s standards. You can be in alliance with the majority of mankind's ways and alienated and eliminated from the Kingdom of God. Mankind will have you think that being humble to their traditions and manners is being a proper person. This is not always true. The “gift of meekness” is knowing the greatness of God in spirit and in truth. The fruit of meekness is not submitting to the behaviors of man to be one with the crowd or majority of erroneous thinkers. Meekness to God is being resolute to his Divine Will and expressive of God’s Divine Love. It is knowing that God’s omnipresence is in all creation and in every soul. Stop thinking small and begin to think godly. Confirm that God is your immeasurable source and bountiful supply. God is available to those whose minds and hearts are pure and prepared to be one with God’s greatness and glory. Let your affirmation be, “I am a receiver of the plethora of goodness, blessings, and miracles prepared for me by my Divine Creator. I am preparing myself to be one with divine greatness and divine glory.” This month, read the 106th Psalm.

Satonya Baker

i am creator, therefore i create.


May 2023


March 2023