February 2023
Be perfect. This is an empowering directive commanded by the Master Jesus, the Christ who taught in hidden parables. Understand what it means to be perfect. Perfect means to be complete. Perfect means to come to the resolution that you are not complete until you are holy. You are not holy until you are wholly one with God; when every aspect of your being is aligned with divinity. Recognize that you are a composite being, but your composite aspects are not functioning in alignment, when not unified, or inharmonious. Christ wants you to recognize your wholeness. Your composite being is composed of a physical body which is the temple of your soul. You have an astral or emotional aspect that when rightly inspired, this aspect can lift you to lofty heights. You have a mental aspect. Know that the mind has amazing abilities; perceptions, memories, imagination, concentration, and much more. The mind is your servant and should not become your master. More importantly, you are a spirit-soul being of divine light. Though you are in the material world the very essence of your being was wrought from the divine kingdom. Included in your perception and living are the higher vibratory realities, beyond the physical existence, the emotional-feeling impulses, as well as reasoning and pride of the mental aspect. The lower aspects of your composite being will scream at you for attention and demand you comply with their lower nature and perceptions. These aspects will have you feel and think that they are your true essential being, rather than your servants. You are like a charioteer, your body is the chariot, your mind, emotions, and energy body are the horses, and the reins are your will. It requires strength and skills to ride the chariot and manage the horses; likewise, it requires truth, love, and a devoted will to master the aspects of life. As your consciousness of your true self and your alliance with divinity expands, you will receive higher directions from your dreams. Realize that your dreams are not just fantasies of your mind and emotions. Your dreams are experiences of your inner aspects and inner being in various realms of existence. Your inner soul being is most often in a pictorial manner and reveals your feelings, desires, and mental states. Your dreams are teaching you about living, your composite aspects, your dispositions, and if truly desired the means of perfecting your life. Read the 40th Psalm.