July 2022
The higher teachings and truth are from the celestial dimensions. The task is to stay focused on the divine despite the challenges, cruelty, misrepresentations, and adversaries in this existence. The aspiring soul must ever know, that though they are in the world, they are not of the world. The inspiring lessons of truth come directly from the divine source. There are those who have been endowed with garments of eternal life. Such ones have transcended the limitations and restrictions of the material world. These enlightened Adonai, spiritual masters, are seeking inspired souls who are open to receiving their holy unadulterated truth. They are seeking such evolving souls who will become emissaries of wisdom, love, and power. When great masters call, say “Here Am I.” Say it in your deeds. Say it through your expression of love and truth. Say it in denying the lower nature to express the higher soul faculties. Prove yourself to yourself. Prove yourself to the Christ in you. Man has not seen nor heard what God has for those who Love God. Love the LORD your God with all your soul, mind, heart, and body. Prepare your mind, heart, and body as an instrument of God’s Spirit. The world's condition is in need of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. The Adonai, master souls, require true devotees of strong moral fiber, who can be endowed to hold up the banner of the spirit and truth. Read the 90th Psalm this month.