July 2024
Make the best investments of your life's energy and resources. Consider the value of things you spend your resources, time, and energy on. Are these contributions beneficial to you and are they positive for others? Are your contributions like seeds that bear good fruits, or are you throwing seeds away into infertile grounds? Are you making contributions that foster negativity? Are you investing in lifestyles and schemes that are vanities, valueless, and nonproductive? Make life investments into things that increase in value and understanding, proliferating prosperity, fostering self-development, and elevating the soul. Help to make your circumstances and the world a better place and have noble experiences through positive investments. Meditation is a great investment in the fruition of the soul, the mind, and the body. Spend more time in meditation and in studying divine principles. Do not ever feel that you are wasting time and could be doing something more significant. Meditation is significant for the soul and contributes positively to every aspect of your life. Prayer is your ability to alter your consciousness from a mundane existence to the higher dimensions of divinity, and compassion is your ability to compound your blessings by helping others. Pursue guidance in your meditation and inquire about your human concerns, potential, and aspirations. When investing your time and energy in prayer, delineate your desires in an exact manner that aligns with God's will and wisdom. Read the 138th Psalm daily this month.