MAY 2020

There are things that are hidden that must come into the light. Hidden things must be overcome. Improvement of self is the true goal. You must choose the right path that will elevate and enrich your life. There is a way that seems right that leads to death and destruction. You must want the kind of life that in synch with the higher dimension and blessings that flow from the source. Such a life that is pure and goodness should flow through you and emanate from you. Corruption produces corruption.  Righteousness results in righteousness and blessings from the divine kingdom. The way of life may seem slow but it is the sure path of certainty and life everlasting. The divine life is the path that ordains, sustains, and maintains. Those that cling to divine truth are empowered from the highest; granting longevity and peace. Do not allow negative circumstances or negative individuals to turn you from the truth of God.  Do not return to indulgences that you fought to overcome. Angels can and will help and deliver you, if you are willing and obedient. Be committed to improving yourself. Seeking God's plan for your life is the key to your victory and success. God is the means to expansion. Sincerely read the 89th Psalm. Burn three-colored candles this month.

Satonya Baker

i am creator, therefore i create.

JUNE 2020


APRIL 2020