May 2022
Be mindful. Be watchful. Be obedient to the principles of God. In God's commandments are blessings. There are false perceptions in the trends and traditions of mankind that result in unnecessary misery, disappointment, suffering, sickness, and demise. The satanic entities are biting at your heels, which is to say your lower nature. Your false perception of yourself, and your ignoble desires to succeed through lower means are not in accordance with your true status as a divine child of God. The satanic entities want you to worship them through your lower desires of the material world, through which they gain greater influence and sway you to commit acts against your divine self and the principles of divinity. You may think you are elevating materially by doing things that are absent from God's Holy Presence and Divine Principles, however by such lower means and methods you are then enslaved to the temporal existence. Your divine goal is in demonstrating the beauty and harmony of God. God wants you to prosper without creating in-harmony or harming others. God certainly does not want you, as his child, to be enslaved because you serve the false trends and traditions instituted by individuals aligned with lower entities. Claim your divine rights. Face the challenges and circumstances of life by bravely applying divine principles in an intelligent manner. Seek God's guidance, in all your ways acknowledge and honor God. Respect and cherish your divine soul. Do not corrupt your life for the glamorous appearance and attainment of success gained through wicked ways. Your erroneous ego will endeavor to perpetuate its prideful disposition over your higher thinking. Cling to your higher perceptions and noble aspirations that are essential to unfolding your soul. Denounce lower desires and claim victory over vanity; stomp the heel of your left foot seven times while doing so. Read the 68th Psalm morning and night.