November 2021

The mysteries of life are clearly perceived by understanding, that which is the essence and innate spirit, and that which causes the gestation of the material, into an outer manifestation of the physical world. There is no existence that is separate from the higher vibratory, invisible spiritual aspects and divine entities. The material is perishable. The spiritual is imperishable. The senses of the physical body, called the “terrestrial body” are designed to experience and relate to “material” manifestations. You also have another higher body called the “celestial body,”’ which is a vessel of the inner self. Celestial body experiences are sentient to the metaphysical world. The celestial body contains our spiritual faculties. The material ego of the lower self thrives to obtain material things needed or desired, for existence or pleasure. The things that the material ego seeks are not always necessary and are often problematic. The physical existence is strongly attached to the “astral body” with its plethora of emotions. Some of the emotions developed are unsuitable, destructive, and can plague life with false perceptions, ignoble attachments, illusions, and hardships. The lower mind is conjoined with the senses of the sensory physical world. The intellectual and reasoning abilities of lower mental perceptions are not based on principles that are inclusive, and as a result, are unbalanced partial truths, and categorized facts, which isolate other aspects and considerations of truth. The mental ego isolates itself and considers its functions and determinations as to the true self when it is and should be used as a tool of the divine self. The mental ego contrarily becomes a misconceived inept ruler of one’s existence. This erroneous self-identification as the mind is due to a deficient will. A strong will is that which is needed to direct the mind to obey and align with the higher triune soul. The higher self identifies with God and seeks to be one with the eternal. The higher aspirations and goals of the Holy Breath are to be glorified in the material and make the material reflect inner divinity. In this adventure of life, the task is to achieve a harmonious merger of the higher triune soul that elevates the lower aspects. When the higher aspects are emerged, and thereby transform the lower nature, the faculties and likeness of the Divine is attained and man becomes a new creation. Those who seek the material for the sake of material, not to demonstrate divinity, but for selfish motives, will realize the possessions they have attained in time and space will be destroyed, and all their gains will perish. The great eternal treasures are of the higher dimension called Heaven. Heaven can be realized on earth. Seek to realize and manifest the spiritual aspects in all things. Seek to demonstrate the beauty and splendor of God in your earthen vessel, in humanity, and within you. Read the 30th Psalm this month.

Satonya Baker

i am creator, therefore i create.

December 2021


October 2021