Be willing to use your money for spiritual purposes. When giving your money for spiritual causes, your money is transformed into seeds that will make your life fruitful. Money, when used and applied in sacred matters and manners, is compounded abundantly; resulting in financial prosperity, favorable circumstances, needed guidance, divine protection, support, and many varied blessings. In giving to spiritual causes, your money, which represents your energy, is spiritualized and radiates transforming power. Money given to your spiritual centers opens the doors of heaven to renew your life with blessings. Energy is a requirement of life. Do not just limit your money or your energy to material things and material people. In doing so, you only empower the material, and too often the negative aspects of life. Use your funds and resources to empower the spiritual. In doing so you are activating and empowering spirituals aspects, opening portals for an outpouring of blessings, and freeing yourself of karmic debts. When you align yourself with divine principles, you are galvanizing energy and substance to the greater causes of life, and aiding in the fulfillment of the divine plan.  Your money serves as seeds of life, blossoming into a greater resource and thus giving a greater return on your investment. Plant real seeds in the rich soil of prosperity and truth. Be a willing, loving, and giving person that intelligently allocates resources and funds to greatness. You will be giving to the treasury of light thus creating a salvation account that compounds with infinite interest. Tithes are a means to receive heavenly blessings as well as the means to cling to the LORD your God. Give your tithes faithfully, and joyously with love and thanksgiving. Give offerings in greater measures to receive greater blessings. Give and it shall be given to you in good measure, press down and shaken together. Obedience to the laws of tithing and giving offerings are the mercy to obtain a life of abundance and forgiveness. Intellectually make your donations as a service to the heavenly operations. You are not paying, you are seeding and succeeding. Let your giving to a spiritual source create a channel of bountifulness and plenty. Bless those who are in the service of blessing you and you shall be richly rewarded from heaven. In giving you are serving in a manner that is godlike, by creating goodness, and the means to bless and be blessed.  Affirm, “richly I give and richly I receive”. Read the 72nd Psalm. 

Satonya Baker

i am creator, therefore i create.


