October 2024

Forget the past conditions and former states, situations, and circumstances. Release yourself of the system of thought and ignoble desires that make you feel and think that the carnal and material was of greater value than the noble and spiritual. Confirm and affirm your new state of consciousness and status as a divine being and a soul of the Most High God. The past experiences are a reflection of many things. It reflects some of what you did as one conjoined to fallen humanity and false concepts of both God and self. You lived not knowing your true human and divine potential. You existed in darkness, however now you live in the marvelous light. Cherish the thoughts that you have a greater realization and divine perception of God and yourself. Act upon the true perceptions that God created you as an expression of divine glory which you can actualize. Apply divine principles and make practical the truth you have and are coming to realize in greater measure. Do not allow the false ego to have you return to the darkness, or the lust and greed of the lower mind. Do not permit your lower nature to gain power or authority of your desires. Maintain your high principles and noble values. Be committed to developing and attaining your human potential. Be resolute and achieve your divine goals and divine right as a child of the Most-High God. Read the 106th Psalm this month.

Satonya Baker

i am creator, therefore i create.


November 2024


September 2024