September 2021
Adjust your thinking, and manage your life circumstances to attain success in all aspects of your life. Your preoccupation with the material must be such that it does not stunt your spiritual growth. Your spiritual engagement is not to negate the fulfillment of your human potential. Master your human experiences by incorporating the principles and perfecting powers of truth. Manifesting your human potential reflects your spiritual growth. Your spiritual growth will emanate from you to bless everything you set your heart and hand to accomplish. In all aspects of life, seek and ask for the “Christ Spirit” to be revealed. Seek to manifest and work harmoniously with the will and wisdom of God’s love, and the principles of power. Practice meditating, and apply the truth in your circumstances and challenges. Express divine compassion to others and aid them in facing life with truths, rather than falsehoods. Help to open their minds and hearts to the unadulterated truth. Do not linger with ones who refuse to accept or diminish divine principles. Love your truth. Read 12th chapter of Isaiah.