September 2023

Silence is the key to balancing your life and status with God. There's a time to speak and a time to keep silent. In silence grows the seeds of prayer. In silence, listen to hear the whispers of wisdom. In silence, one can receive particles of light as they rain down from the higher dimensions. In silence, one can hear the prophetic words of divinity. In maintaining silence, the truth is not profane and kept hidden from the unrighteous. In silent study, you will discover the unadulterated truth of God. Seek God's face. Seeking God's face means seeking divine wisdom and, in all thy getting, get an understanding. Many souls are crying out in silence. Individuals do not realize that they are causing their souls great grief by their manner of living. They descend into the carnal life and cause their very soul to weep in agony. Your soul's task is to help fallen humanity from descending into greater depths of confusion and destructiveness. In your inner silence, seek divine guidance to fulfill the tasks of your soul. Do not complain about your journey. Silent patience is necessary. Plea for the souls who receive you and desire an understanding that will awaken their divine minds. Do not turn such souls away. Allow the wheat to grow with tare in silence. Stay attuned to God's will and receive divine power. Read the 11th Psalm this month.

Satonya Baker

i am creator, therefore i create.

October 2023


August 2023