January 2022

A wise farmer plants seeds in fertile soil. Like the wise farmer, you must plant your seeds in terms of your tithes and offerings to obtain a rich harvest of blessings and fulfillment. Plant the seeds that you want to grow. These are the seeds that represent your desires, ideas, and aspirations. Plant the seeds in the Holy order which is teaching and blessing you to live a noble life. These seeds represent your appreciation, your esteem, and your understanding. This would greatly aid you in achieving your goals. Give both your offerings and tithes in love and with certainty. Know that in giving, you shall receive numerous blessings. Your tithes will contribute greatly to your spiritual growth and your material prosperity. You must also tithe your time in prayer, meditation, and study. Seek to cleanse yourself of the corrupting thoughts of doubt. Mute the lower mind and affirm the higher truths enthusiastically. Release yourself of feelings due to past disappointments by realizing that you have prevailed and are being renewed. You met the challenge of your karma, which was a season. Now prepare for the season of new blessings and greater truth. Be sincere and compassionate about obtaining your sincere desires. Be certain that you are working in a manner in which God is pleased with what you are doing and what you desire to accomplish. If God is for you then who can be against you. Anoint yourself daily for success. Affirm in words and action: “I am pleasing God in all manners of my life.” Read the 45th Psalm and burn green candles this month.

Satonya Baker

i am creator, therefore i create.


February 2022


December 2021