February 2022
You will need to become more and more sensitive, and attuned to the impressions you are receiving. You are becoming more sentient to the inner dimension of the realm of the spirit. Acknowledge and give thanks to divine guidance. Adhere to your higher impressions. Accept the inner voice that seeks to direct you. Your inner voice from the tree of life directs you in ways that are beneficial and positive. You will be given courage, comfort, and certainty from the guidance received from the higher realm. The higher guides will warn you of negative matters to protect you and aid you in avoiding unnecessary situations. The demonic entities will attempt to sway you, by appealing to your lower egotistical selfish perceptions and your self-serving desires. To attain answers, ask your guiding angelic assemblies and your spiritual guides, for the understanding required in knowing who, what, when, where, which, how, and why. Be thankful when you receive the answer by whatever means it may come. You will be directed. You will not be forced. You will be informed. Pay attention. You will be provided information to make the right choice, however, the choice is yours. Demonic entities want you to esteem them as viable sources of life, but they come not but to kill, steal and destroy. The satanic entities cause contention, obstructs, cloaks, maleficent pain from pleasure, disrupts, weakens, lies, corrupts with vain lewdness, and hatred. Rebuke these negative sways of the satanic ones, as Jesus did with the truth of God. Be committed and obedient to the principles of light, life, and love. Within them, you will attain and emanate blessings. Each day thank God for the guidance of the divine being. Thank God for heavenly angels; for their spiritual guidance and divine protection. Your intuitive insight will increase through meditative practices, expressions of loving-kindness, and an appreciation for the divine presence in your life. Demonstrate your compassion by aiding others and God will reveal his will to you in greater measure. Read the 28th Psalm and burn white 23rd Psalm candles.