March 2022

To attain certainty in your prayers, affirmations, and decrees, align your sacred solicitations with the truth and divine purpose of God's Holy Will. Your spiritual solicitations, in the forms of affirmations, decrees, and prayers must be rendered sincerely, compassionately, and confidently. Heaven is a singularity wherein there is pristine balance, heavenly harmony, immaculate perfection, and only good. Singularity of consciousness is the perfect state of being in oneness with the Supreme Being, in knowing that there is no duality equal to God. The supposed opposition to God is predicated on a false notion, that there is an entity equal to God, which is the sinking sands of doubting. Doubting is a human perception and often is the satanic entity seeking to deceive one to think that they are not heard by God. Evil entities exist, yes, but they are not equal to God who is immeasurable and unlimited. Evil entities are fallen ones of angelic orders. When we ask for God’s will to be done it shall come to fruition because it has been, and is done in heaven and shall be glorified in the earth. When we ask for our desired will to be done in the form of a prayer, if it is a decree or prayer against God’s divine will, it does not manifest from heaven. Jesus prayed for the bitter cup of the crucifixion to be passed. However, Jesus stated, “nevertheless not my will but thy will be done...” and in so doing Jesus was greatly glorified. We on occasion are saddened when our prayers are not aligned with God’s divine plan and seem to not be answered. We think that we or God has failed. God never fails. We fail to be aligned with God’s will. God's will nonetheless will be glorified in greater means if we accept God’s will. Our karma and tasks may be challenging; however, God’s glory will manifest. We have creative powers that we can use for good or evil. Prayers and desires that are not elevated to the higher vibratory plane of heaven could be wrought from the astral plane of duality and may cause things to become worse because of the imbalance, in-harmony, and other negative factors that come to gestate. The higher mind is a higher connection to divinity and the certainty of God. The righteous mind is the higher alignment with God's divine will and purpose which is the key to God abiding in you and you abiding in him. As such, you will decree a thing and it shall come to pass. That which is decreed in alliance with “God’s Will” shall result in harmony “…on earth as it is in heaven”. Read the 119th Psalm on Sundays. Read the 103rd Psalm daily, Monday through Saturday.

Satonya Baker

i am creator, therefore i create.

April 2022


February 2022