May 2021
Freedom is a goal to be sought and attained. Be free from the cravings of the carnal life. These carnal cravings prevent, hinder, and enslave the emotions and mind, to the world of limitations and vanities. Freedom is needed from the erroneous conceptions, which perceive that satisfying carnal cravings will fulfill your life’s true purpose. Only when the truth is applied and actualized will true happiness be attained, and manifest your soul's sincere desires. Freedom from unforgiveness is essential; freedom from the notions and responsive acts to our past debasing experiences and perceptions of others, who were or are functioning from their lower nature. Cease permitting these former circumstances and individuals to impact you in a negative manner. Freedom allows you to forgive yourself of your misdeeds, your foul language, and negative perceptions. Freedom is needed to detach from the demonic influences who set traps to keep you under their control and feed off your putrid mental states and rancid emotions. You need to be free. The key to freedom is the truth. The truth unlocks the chains that inhibit and the doors that restrict your life and spiritual well-being. The truth will set you free. Freedom requires emptying yourself of concepts and behaviors that are not aligned with God's principles. Freedom commences the moment you are committed in the effort to transform your life. Freedom comes with changing your thinking. Freedom is achieved by resisting and rebuking demons. Allow the spirit of God to abide in you. Read the 38th and 33rd Psalms by following this procedure: read the first verse of the 38th Psalm, then read the first verse of the 33rd Psalm. Read the second verse of the 38th Psalm, then read the second verse of the 33rd Psalm. Continue the pattern of alternating the same verses of the 38th Psalm and the 33rd Psalm until you end with the final 22nd verse of the 33rd Psalm.